Wonderful article from the Nouvelliste about the Swiss Recovery Center

“Small steps for the Swiss Recovery Center, big steps for people with spinal cord injuries.”

A wonderful article is available on @nouvellistevs about the progress of our center. He also describes our types of workouts and recounts the testimony of one of our participants, convinced of the benefits of the physical activity sessions adapted in the Swiss Recovery Center.

Take a look at it! https://www.lenouvelliste.ch/articles/valais/canton/des-valaisans-frequentent-un-centre-d-entrainement-pour-paraplegiques-et-tetraplegiques-unique-en-suisse-885283

The entire Swiss Recovery Center team thanks the newspaper Nouvelliste for this article and especially Christine Savioz and Eloïse Maret for transcribing our values with the right words.